Rest in Peace

Designer: Henning Poehl
Illustrator: Matthias Catrein

Player: 3 – 5 persons
Age: 16+
Playing time: 45-75 min

Rest in Peace

Things have become tight in the Plüngarden cemetery. Only 5 gravesites are left.
Unfortunately, it is the dearest wish of your relatives to be buried in those graves. You can tell which grave each particular relative would like by looking at their cards.

One of 5 graves  One family member
coffin for a dead family member

However, your relatives are not the only elderly persons in the village. There are many other old people still among the living who also yearn to be buried in those last remaining graves in the cemetery. Thus, your task is to ensure that death catches up with your relatives as quickly as possible in order to prevent one of the other old folks from snatching a grave away from your family. As an aid to that process, you should also be concerned about the health of the other elders and struggle to make sure that they stay as healthy as possible. The player whose relatives are most satisfactorily accommodated in their choice of graves at the end of the game wins.

One of 5 graves  One family member
coffin for a dead family member


    60 cards:

  • 5 graves
  • 5 x 5 grave-demands
  • 1 x new cementery
  • 5 x 5 older family members (one set of cards in one of five colours)
  • 4 x summary cards
  • 12 Pills (white plasticchips)
  • 10 Placebos (black plasticchips)
  • 5 Bittere Pills (red plasticchips)
  • 1 pill box
  • maniacal much money (in 1.000 and 3.000 bills)

Gameplay: Yes this is a card game, but from the feeling it plays more then a boardgame, because the most of the cards are shown face up on the table by the beginning of the game.

Grave-demands and actioncards

You can buy the game here in our Shop (German).

If you don’t understand German, order our games here using our contact form. We will tell you the shiping costs to your country and the costs of the game.

Here you find the English rules as pdf-file.

2 Kommentare

  1. I was trying to find an english translation of your rules for „Ruhe in Frieden“. The translation no longer appears on your site. Could you e-mail me a copy of the english version of the rules? Thank you.

  2. Hello Marvin,

    I have now check all download-links. The links to all English rules of the sphinx games are now working again.


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