Dance of death
Designer: Henning Poehl
Illustrator: Doris Oppenauer
Player: 2 persons
Age: 16+
Playing time: 45 min
Dance of death (Totentanz) is a card game with a real board game flavour. The almighty power of the dead was established in the 14th century via a dance. A dance that called the living to the dead, a dance that forced the unwilling. A dance that nobody could resists, be they young or old, rich or poor, everyone’s the same to this dance. In this game featuring intricately-rendered artwork on the cards, this concept is used and updated to modern characters. Two players let Death dance in a circle around a group of different people and show the power of death over life. |
Game material:
You can buy the game here in our Shop (German) If you don’t understand German, order our games here using our contact form. We will tell you the shiping costs to your country and the costs of the game. Here you find the English rules as pdf-file. |
28. Februar 2010 um 18:47
A link to English rules of Dance of death(Totentanz) is broken.
Plz, give me a pdf file.
clamence [at] daum [dot] net
30. März 2010 um 17:37
The link to the rules works now again. Addinal you found all our rules in our rules-zone.